Universal Spell ListHome


The effects of this spell are unpredictable, but can be devastating. When it is cast, all targets within the area of effect receive a Psyche FEAT roll to avoid the effect. If a target fails the roll, he is affected by the confusion. The Judge rolls a die for each affected target and checks the table below, to see how each is affected. The duration is 1-10 rounds, rather than the normal duration associated with the spell rank.
Confusion Results
Confusion Result
1The target sits down and tries to think things over. If attacked, he defends himself, but otherwise ignores everyone else.
2The target begins weeping or laughing uncontrollably. He receives a
-1CS to all actions.
3The target walks around randomly as if lost. If attacked, he defends himself, but takes no other action.
4The target becomes fascinated with 1 trivial action and will perform or watch it repeatedly. If attacked, he defends himself, but otherwise ignores everyone else.
5The target attacks the nearest character, no matter who he is.
6The target attacks everyone (different character each round.)
7The target attacks the nearest large building, machine, or creature.
8The target walks up to the nearest character, throws an arm around his shoulder, and begins discussing his philosophy of life.
9The target is extremely disoriented; apply a -2CS to all his actions.
10The target rolls over and falls asleep.